Monday, September 18, 2006

Anthropology and Business

The word on the street is understand corporate culture. What does that mean? What is culture and why is it important in business?

Culture is a combination of things: Language, Behavior, Values and Symbols. Every organization talks a certain language (not English or Japanese but language that is particular to the specialty of that company). Did you know that the same behavior greeting that is honorable in Korea is an offense in Russia? In Texas a company may value efficiency above relationships, whereas in Cambodia there is no higher value than interpersonal harmony. Man is a walking symbol and every business defines what are the appropriate (and inappropriate) symbols.

Anthropology is the study of man. Physical anthropologist dig up bones, cultural anthropologist dig up behavior. So what role does a cultural anthropologist have in business? Ask Microsoft, which has, at last count, seven on payroll. Intel, Pitney Bowes Inc., also have anthropologist on staff.

In cross-cultural studies not only does the anthropologist analyze corporate behavior, they help companies talk to other cultures. Most companies have a host of cross-cultural issues both inside their own business and certainly when dealing with other companies in a different country. The key to success is two fold: (1) Learn corporate culture, (2) Communicate cross-culturally.


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